“I reject the notion that we’re running out of ideas. You suggest that the problem is invention. But I see no evidence that people are less ingenious. I see the problem as moving their genius into the world. The problem is the second stage of Schumpeterian innovation.”

Derek Thompson, “Is America Really Running Out of Original Ideas?” 
The Atlantic  December 20, 2021

My initial attraction to the topic of stupidity stemmed from a conversation with David Krakauer, an evolutionary biologist and professor of complex systems at the Santa Fe Institute. In an interview, he said he’s currently grappling with “the evolution of intelligence and stupidity on earth. It’s quite common for people to talk about intelligence. It’s less common for people to talk about stupidity, though, arguably, it’s more common.” How does Krakauer contrast intelligence and stupidity? Intelligence is “the thing we do that ensures that the problem is efficiently solved in a way that makes it appear effortless. Stupidity is a set of rules that we use to ensure that the problem will be solved in longer [periods of time] than chance, or never, and is nevertheless pursued with alacrity and enthusiasm.”

Thomas Larson, “ Stupidity Is Arguably More Common” 
San Diego Reader  June 30, 2021

While we can’t eliminate the threat of new pandemics— evolution is an agile target— we can be far smarter. As complexity theorist David Krakauer, CEO of the Santa Fe Institute, explained during TWIN Tech 2020, “pathogens spread not only because of their innate properties, but also because of our behaviors.”

Robert C. Wolcott, “The Great Unwinding Of 2021: Six Questions To Prosper Through Reopening” 
Forbes  January 18, 2021